Robert Makes A Teacher “Walk The Plank” and other tales…

As a math coach, Robert has a very simple philosophy that he developed and now rigidly adheres to. If you are a math coach (or you work with one), you should listen up, because it will be very useful:

  • The Vidal Sassoon Principle: If you were watching tv in these United States in the 70s or 80s, you’ll probably remember the commercials for Monsieur Sassoon’s hair products, and his accompanying tagline: “If you don’t look good, we don’t look good.” That same philosophy embodies Robert’s work as a math coach: his job is to make his teachers look as good as possible, which means making sure they have all the materials they need, understand what they are doing, and if anything goes wrong, taking the bullet for any mishaps. If Robert can make a teacher look brilliant, then it must be due to the fact that he is brilliant as well. In short, Robert always has your back.

This principle (one of several which I will be forced to explicated upon in future blog posts, I’ve been told) was put to the test a few weeks back when Newbie Teacher confessed that she was nervous about introducing “long division” to her class. Robert understood: everybody gets nervous teaching division of any kind (buy this and read why…), but there are ways to approach it without getting everybody nervous.

So Robert decided that maybe the best way to approach this was not “head on,” but through the “back door” (please, no salacious jokes about that….) He tossed this out to Newbie Teacher, “Okay, I know this is going to sound crazy, but let’s try this….” and he scribbled the following problem on a piece of paper:

A teacher gave this problem to her students without teaching long division. So sue her!

A teacher gave this problem to her students without teaching long division. So sue her!

The teacher looked at it, said “WTF, Robert, how are they going to do this without long division?” Robert’s response? “I don’t know, but let’s find out: you’ve been teaching them all sorts of things about division for the past 3 weeks, I’ll bet they know enough to figure it out.” And so Newbie Teacher, who knew Robert’s “Vidal Sassoon” Principle, “went for it.” She put the class into small groups, showed them the problem they were to solve, handed out large sheets of paper to record their thinking processes, and only stepped in when she saw flaws in logic or explanation. She did not say anything about long division.

Here are a few of the solutions the students came up with:

airplane solution 3

You can see how the student understands that to figure out the problem, he’ll need to figure out how many times 385 goes into 14,382 (notice that Robert did not make the answer come out “evenly.” That’s because 90% of division problems don’t!) Like the standard algorithm, this student estimated and checked the answer. Unlike the standard algorithm, he didn’t get frustrated and give up: rather, he made another estimate, checked it and then skip counted until he had enough seats.

airplane solution 1

This student started with 5 planes, saw it was way too low, and then doubled it, then doubled it again, and then used the 10 plane amount and 5 plane number to get to 35 planes, and then counted on to the right number of planes. Notice that he understood that a 38th plane would be needed, even though the answer is technically 37.

airplane problem with notes

When the students had all finished making their posters, Newbie Teacher showed me something cool: she had her students hang up their posters and then read one another’s methods and put “sticky notes” to either praise or question what they had done. Here’s one of the notes below:

airplane note alone

As you can see, this is getting to the heart of the standard algorithm for long division: estimate by using the largest “guess” possible, and then add on more groups until you get as close as possible.

This activity was followed by a lesson on “multi-step” division using a “modified algorithm” that Robert prefers to teach to young children, as it is transparent, forgiving and consistent with children’s understanding of division. You can read about that in the product shown below!

long division advert

Teach division like a pro! Buy this and do it right the first time.

You Are NOT Katherine Gibbs and Math Class is NOT Secretarial School….

Robert stops in to see K, the sixth grade teacher, who is twelve kinds of awesome and always quick with a witty phrase (it was from her where I learned to say “for all shits and giggles….”) K looks tense. Robert opens with a corny joke , but she isn’t having any of it.

She plops open her CMP III tome, and points to the chapter on dividing fractions. Robert is thrilled and excited, K not so much.

“I thought I would start by writing the definitions of dividend, divisor and quotient on the board and having them copy it down.”

Dear Lord, NO!!!!!!

division vocabulary

A pretty good “do now” to review division vocabulary

Robert pulls out a sheet of scrap paper and scribble down the “do now” shown on the left, explaining that her class learned these words in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade, and she really doesn’t need to use more time “defining” these words.In fact, she could probably lead a pretty lively discussion asking the students to define these terms for themselves.

Which gets me to one of Robert’s major issues in teaching: it is 2015 and the era of copying off the board is over. Really over. We should not be writing down definitions on the board and asking kids to copy them down. Repeat: WE ARE NOT RUNNING A SECRETARIAL SCHOOL!

please don't make your students copy these definitions off the board

What not to put on the board…..

This is not to say that definitions have no place from the math class, but the danger is this: if you write down definitions on the board and ask kids to copy them down, you are wasting time on a low level skill, time that could be used to do something much more interesting, like discussing what is the meaning of a “dividend” or what would happen to the quotient if the divisor was larger than the dividend. Here’s something Robert did while “guest teaching” a 5th grade class a few weeks back:

division brain teaser

One way to wake up a boring division lesson….

As they say, “you wouldn’t believe what happened next!” A few impulsive students (all boys, as usual) rolled their eyes and called out “35! 35!,” which is exactly what he wanted to happen. However, among all these students who had only a superficial understanding of division, one girl shook her head. “It’s a stupid question!” she explained, “any of those numbers can be a dividend. You could write 7 ÷ 35, 5 ÷ 7, and 35 ÷ 5. The size of the numbers means nothing, so any of the three could be a dividend!”

All of which led into a very interesting about what the “function” of a dividend is, which led to even more insights into the relationship between divisors and quotients.

Later in the day, Robert bumped into “K” getting lunch. “So, how did it go?” he inquired. “Oh, it wasn’t the worst thing I ever did….” she replied.

Wise educators who liked the post above, also put this in their shopping cart:

Division: You're Teaching It Wrong!

Read this and learn 12 more ways to get division right in your classroom!